Lent 2024: Watch and Pray with Me

Saturdays (online) 8:30-9:30am, February 17 – March 30

A Contemplative Engagement with God through Centering Prayer

What would it be like to move from propping up your faith in Christ, seeking the Lord through external signs and wonders, to the faith of Christ that upholds you as you are beholding him from within the sanctuary of your own soul?

What would it be like for prayer to move from talking to God (often who seems far in heaven), to prayer as developing a quiet attentiveness and consent to the presence and action of the Spirit of God within?

Please join John and Kathy Pyrc as we step together into a contemplative time of learning and practicing Centering Prayer.

Please RSVP john@thesanctuarydowntown.org for a link and more details.


Easter Sunday Service


Good Friday Tenebrae Service