Lenten Reading Plan

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As a church, we will participate together in a Bible reading plan during the season of Lent. During this season we will commune  through the reading of the word. Each week, six different passages will be posted in the eNews, sNews, and Sanctuarian Facebook Group page for the following Monday – Saturday (Sunday will be a day of rest). Everybody is encouraged to participate. In the Sanctuarian Facebook group, we encourage you to post insights, reflections, and questions about the readings. (Note: Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, so there are only four readings the first week.)

The purpose of this reading plan is to commune through the reading of the word, even if we are not physically doing this together. For centuries, Christians have tied themselves together by orienting themselves around scripture. The Spirit of Christ will tie us together as we read, reflect, respond, and encourage one another. Don’t worry, you won’t be graded on this reading plan so if you miss a few days, IT’S OKAY, just pick up on the day you are on and keep going. Though this can be read individually, I would encourage you to try to find someone to read it with, maybe through Zoom or in person. If you have kids, find a time in your day to do it as a family. This is not designed to be a burden, rather it is an effort to tie our community together through the Spirit of Christ in his written word, and to become more intimate with Christ as we journey through scripture together.

Here on the website, we will post each week’s readings as an “event,” but this is the full list:


The theme for this week is Recreate. God is working in the dust to recreate. God takes our brokenness and uses it to make something new.  As you read the passages from this week reflect on what God is trying to recreate in your heart and life. 


The theme for this week is Remember. We are often a people of short memories, forgetting God’s faithfulness. As you read the passages from this week take time to remember the faithfulness of God in your life, even during the dark times.


The theme for this week is Recognize. If the presence of Christ right in front of you would you recognize him? The reality is the presence of Christ is all around us, this week as we read the passages take time to become aware of Christ’s presence within and around you.


The theme for this week is Reflect. We live in a world that rushes around with no time to pause and reflect on our lives. As you read the passages this week take time to pause, reflect, and examine your life in light of this season of Lent.


The theme for this week is Repent. Admitting you’re broken is not something that comes naturally for us. We want to prove we are good and have our lives put together. This week as you read the passages, take time to repent and confess the broken areas in your life.


The theme for this week is Reimagine. Christ calls us to reimagine an alternative narrative, one not found in this world, but through his coming Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is at hand. As you read the passages this week reimagine how you will participate in God’s kingdom here and now.


The theme for this week is Receive. As we journey through the season of Lent, we have been recreated, we remembered God’s faithfulness, recognized the presence of Christ, reflected and examined our lives, repented of our sin, and reimagined our future…and now it is time to receive. We open our hands in surrender but also to receive new life, resurrection life! This week, as you read the passages receive new life from Christ.


Daylight Saving Time Begins


Lenten Resurrection Gardens